
Nuklear godocs
Nuklear godocs

nuklear godocs

With a due date of October 1, the grants awards should be made before the end of the calendar year.ĭistrict 5520 is asking the Rotarians in Santa Fe to host the RYE Ski Weekend.

nuklear godocs

Raffi Andonian reported that the Grants Committee expects to have the Pancakes Grant Applications ready to distribute by the middle of August.Dan Kratish reported that the Golf Tournament is moving ahead.Maria Jose Rodriguez Cadiz reported that she has found someone to fill each of the slots of the public relations committee, and that she would like to thank those individuals who stepped up for these jobs.


The new by-laws will be largely an update of the present by-laws and will include clarifications, new material for things not included in the current by-laws, such as the STARS group, and will also make them consistent with newly revised constitution. In short, the Committee is meeting regularly and is nearing a final draft for presentation to the Board, and then to the Club as a whole. John Adams and Dick Jones gave a report from the By-Laws Committee.Once the potential new member has been confirmed by the membership, the two lunches paid by the sponsor can be reimbursed by written request to the Membership Committee Chair. Members inviting potential new members in to the Club will pay for the first two lunches for the potential new member.The Board Unanimously approved the following motion regarding the policy for paying for the lunches for potential new members:.Carolyn Moore, also said that there are several additional names that she is working with as potential members. This did not include the three members presented this evening. We have had net loss of about 14 members for a variety of reasons. Steve Schmelling presented a report on membership changes during the last six months, or so.The names will be circulated to the membership for their information and comments. Three names were recommended for membership: Steve Ferree, Harry Heflin, and Kevin Koval.The minimum charge will now be 81 members rather than 85, and will be based on an agreed upon number between Dan and the Hilton staff Dan Kratish has worked with the Hilton to ensure that our meal costs are correctly calculated going forward.Tom Simon is continuing to work on making the Foundation Finances, particularly the parts related to Pancakes on the Plaza, which overlap multiple years, more transparent.Membership fees that are paid on an annual basis will be separated into quarters to more accurately reflect the status of the Club finances throughout the year.The Club finances are currently sound and should remain so assuming no significant changes in membership.

Nuklear godocs